English for kids

The 'ABC' Party  

Alphabet Fun. ПРОПИСИ_pdf


A B C D E F G H I J K L M,
I can sing the alphabet,
Can yuo do the same?
I can sing the alphabet,
I`ve got it in my head!
N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z! 

How do you do?
How is your mother?
She is fine, thanks.
How is your father?
He is fine, thanks.
How is your sister?
She is fine, thanks.
And how are you?
I am fine too. Thank you.

Good morning to you!                                               Let us try to be polite                                     
 Good morning to you!                                                Let us try to be polite                                          
Good morning to you!                                                 In everything we do.                                      
We are all in our places,                                              Remember always to say "Please"                      
With sunshiny faces.                                                   And don`t forget "Thank you"
Good morning to you,
Good morning to you!

Good morning when it`s morning
Good morning when it`s morning
Good night when it`s night
Good evening when it`s dark out
Good day when it is light
Good morning to the sunshine
Good evening to the sky
And when it`s time to go away

                                                 "ABC" Song

"ABC" Animals Song

Numbers Song

                  Фізкультхвилинка для початкової школи

One, two – tie you shoe                             One, one, one, little dogs run.
Three, four – open the door.                      Two, two, two, cats see you.
Five, six – pick up sticks.                          Three, three, three, birds in a tree.
Seven, eight – close the gate.                     Four, four, four, rats on the floor.
Nine, ten – begin again.

Vvvvvv           I like to read
                        I like to read,
                        I like to play,
                        I like to study every day.
                        I like to jump,
                        I like to run,
                        I like to play   
                        It`s fun.



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